Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How lucky we are to have flower girl and ring bearers who are cute in every way…

This weekend we celebrated Sandra and William becoming husband and wife! The couple had got married on site and truly made it an affair to be remembered by all! Not only did all the grown-ups have a blast, but so did all the kids! There is something so adorable about little boys and girl all dressed up watching a fantasy becoming reality.

Congratulations Sandra and William! May laughter and love fill your lives together!

I couldn’t pass up showing some of the cute kids from this week…that inspired this blog!

Many couple’s have to make a decision to include children in a wedding reception…and it is a very personal one! To me, weddings are a wonderful opportunity to share and celebrate with family, friends and children. I think kids add a special sense of innocence, humor, and joy to everyone’s wedding day. And they also make for some great picture opportunities!

Here are some of the cutest kids that are sure to make anyone smile!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

OMG...I'm Engaged!

Everyone knows a wedding is much more that just one event and what better to kick them all off than an Engagement Party!!! I think having an engagement party is a fun way to announce your engagement to your nearest and dearest friends! Also it is a great opportunity for everyone to meet each other prior to your shower and wedding. You can throw an engagement BBQ in your backyard with a flag football game or get all dressed up and have a cocktail party…. there are no rules to what an engagement party should be! So grab your fiancĂ© and start celebrating “being engaged!” Just like our newly engaged couple did this weekend! Congratulations to Kim and Allan! I wish you both a lifetime full of happiness!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dancing Shoes Beat the Winter Blues...

The lights are lowered and all our guests surround the dance floor, as you take the floor together for your first dance. The music starts, you’re finally in his arms and your gliding together as one! All your planning has paid off and you have a few precious moments with no interruptions to be with your husband until the reception is over.

So many brides are nervous during this momentous occasion because everyone is involved and watching…. however your first dance is a celebration and should be savored. When that moment approaches don’t let your jitters ruin the moment…just take a deep breath and know you will be safe in your husband’s arms. This is your moment! Your day!! Enjoy every second of it! While I get to enjoy every second of watching! I absolutely love the first dance!

Carmen and William shared their first dance this past weekend!

The newlyweds also selected a really CUTE cake topper!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Rosewood News! ALWAYS good news!

I just found out that we will be at the Brookdale Bridal Show and I wanted to fill you in on the details. The show is on Sunday, January 31, 2010 starting 12 pm at Brookdale Community College.

For more information about the show go to

And ladies…don’t let your man fool you; it is a week before Super Bowl Sunday! Our table will be right next to The English Manor’s table. I look forward to seeing you at the show!