Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dancing Shoes Beat the Winter Blues...

The lights are lowered and all our guests surround the dance floor, as you take the floor together for your first dance. The music starts, you’re finally in his arms and your gliding together as one! All your planning has paid off and you have a few precious moments with no interruptions to be with your husband until the reception is over.

So many brides are nervous during this momentous occasion because everyone is involved and watching…. however your first dance is a celebration and should be savored. When that moment approaches don’t let your jitters ruin the moment…just take a deep breath and know you will be safe in your husband’s arms. This is your moment! Your day!! Enjoy every second of it! While I get to enjoy every second of watching! I absolutely love the first dance!

Carmen and William shared their first dance this past weekend!

The newlyweds also selected a really CUTE cake topper!!

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