Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Out and About!

This weekend I worked The Rosewood table at the Brookdale Community College Bridal Show by Wedding-Set-Go. There is always so much energy at the shows…from all the brides to be, the photographers, the DJs, bands and facilities… just like us. I had a great time partnering up with our sister facility, The English Manor. We served delicious cannoli filled wedding cake and our traditional dark Belgium chocolate fondue. (It looked so good…I couldn’t even resist sampling a little! And let me tell was yummy!)

We had a great turn out and a great afternoon! Thank you to all the brides that stopped by our table. I look forward to meeting you further this Saturday for your Afternoon Delight tasting and tour. And for all the brides that couldn’t make the show…We have a couple of appointments left for this Saturday, February 6th! If you are interested, give us a call ASAP!

Check out the pictures from the show below!

The wedding cake we brought to the show!

The Rosewood staff next to our table (Linda, Lisa and me!)

The Rosewood and The English Manor working together!

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