Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Here's to the Red, White and Blue...

This Saturday or newlywed’s Danielle and Bill celebrated their love for each other along with their love for our country. Both the bride and the groom have served our country in the military and choose to fill their wedding with traditions like a POW/MIA table, a blessing with wine, bread & salt, and danced the tarantella. Check out some of the pictures I took below:

The wedding party on our grand staircase posing for their photographer

Danielle and Bill even added little American flags to their seating cards!

An upclose photo of the POW/MIA table… I thought it was very touching that they honored and remembered the POW and MIA on their wedding day

The Bride and Groom helping the flower girl and ring bearer during pictures!
Super Cute!

Best Wishes to our Newlyweds!!!!

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