Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Setting the Mood...

This past weekend our newlyweds, Jennifer and Anthony, brought their reception to life! The couple decided to add up lighting to the ballroom for a completely different effect. The up lighting was strategically placed around the room to complement the beautiful ballroom with a “touch of red.” I thought it looked awesome!! Check out the picture I took below for you to see it for yourself. Congratulations Jennifer and Anthony!

Our Grand ballroom with a hint of red

Thinking about adding up lighting to your wedding? Imagine the moment…We open the doors to your ballroom and your guests walk into to gorgeous color splashed up against the walls. Jennifer and Anthony, like many brides and grooms, are hip to the trend! Up lighting is designed to enhance the charm of your setting. It’s about setting the mood and the right look for an amazing reception! To learn more about up lighting talk to your DJ!

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