Sunday, December 19, 2010

This One is for the Boys ...

Planning on proposing to the love of your life this holiday season. If you not sure how… here are 5 holiday proposals that will warm your honey’s heart!

1. Attach a ring to a candy cane along with a note saying “Will you marry me”…Put this in her stocking! She’ll never see it coming!

2. Spell out “Will you marry me” in Christmas lights on your roof or lawn!

3. Hire someone to be Santa on Christmas Eve or morning. Have your hired Santa give your sweetie several gifts prior to the ring… When it comes time for her to open the box with the ring…pop the question!

4. Take your sweetie on a horse and carriage ride…how romantic! Ask her to be your wife while you snuggle under the moon and stars!

5. Is your honey always on the computer shopping away…? Change her screen saver to “Will you Marry Me?”

Congratulations on your engagement! I look forward to seeing you soon!

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