Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cupcake Wars ...

Last blog, I addressed the trend of cupcake wedding cakes….They’re back!!! But some trends aren’t for everyone! So the question is: Is this the vision of your wedding cake? Still not sure? This will help!

Cupcake Wedding Cake vs. Wedding Cake!!

--Are you having a formal/traditional wedding? If so a wedding cake is the way to go!

--Are you interested in having a relaxed reception with everyone dancing the night away and having fun? If so….Let the child in your guests come out with unwrapping a cupcake!

--Are you interested in having a wedding cake cause you love filling? Tie!!! I love love love cannoli filling! Anywhere I can add cannoli filling wins with me! Girls … do see where I’m heading! You can actually get cupcakes stuffed with a filling these days!

--Are you interested in having a cake topper? Tie again! We all know a topper works perfectly on a wedding cake…. But how do you use a cake topper with a cupcake cake? The top layer of your cupcake tower will be a small wedding cake!

--Love the polished look of Fondant? It’s another tie! Fondant can be used on both!!!

Like I said before… It’s just a trend and trends aren’t always for everyone! Go with your vision and your cake will be BEAUTIFUL!

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