Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Today I will marry my best friend…

This weekend we celebrated with three heart warming couples!  On Friday evening Julie and Eric arrived at The Rosewood in Cinderella style, a fantastic white car, after a beautiful ceremony in Westfield.  They choose a blue and yellow color pallet to enhance the Rose Ballroom.   Julie took inspiration from Etsy.com and created some fun additions to their reception.  For their photo booth she put together these fun chalk boards which guest can write on to add a special note to their photos.  I loved their favors, Julie and Eric took classic mason jars and put these adorable chalk board heart stickers on the jars and filled them with chalk for the guest.  These unique favors are great and can be used by guest in so many ways.  Congratulations Julie and Eric!

Saturday morning began with the vows of Nicole and Daniel.  This couple was so fun and edgy… it was a pleasure to dance the afternoon away with their awesome family and friends.   Nicole’s bridesmaids looked beautiful in their red satin gowns.  Their selection of classic cool songs kept guest on the dance floor all night.  The evening ended with a sweet treat for the guest a delicious candy bar to indulge in!  Congratulations Nicole and Daniel!!

Saturday evening turned turquoise when it was time for the bubbly Brenda and Rick’s reception.  Rick and Brenda shared a private first look on our grand staircase…such a romantic moment!   Brenda selected turquoise napkins and bows for her ballroom.  The pop of color everywhere really gave the ballroom a whole new feel!    Rick was sure to add his own touch too as the star wars theme song began to play as they were announced for the first time as husband and wife both of them smiled from ear to ear.  Brenda and Rick’s guest took home delicious cake bite pops, turquoise of course!  Congratulations Rick and Brenda!!

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