Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

This past weekend it was absolutely miserable outside, but our newly weds Jacqui and Daniel were shining! I loved the Go-Green favors the Jacqui and Daniel selected! They were blue spruce seedlings with a little card saying “Thank you for sharing our growing memories!” After falling head over heals for these favors….I did some research of my own! You can get Go-Green favors just like our newly weds, locally! Not only did the website I found offer trees, but they also offered flowers with a variety of meanings! If you want to learn more about my research…give me a call at 732.549.2859! I’m Julie again…the Wedding Event Specialist that brings you our weekly blog!

Congratulations Jacqui and Daniel! I’m so happy for the two you!

Look how gorgeous the cake was!

A close photo…just for you of the Go-Green Favor!

Our Grand Ballroom…
Jacqui and Daniel rented red up lighting for their reception!

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