Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sooo Stylish .....

One thing I love about my job is watching the bride’s style shine through on their wedding day. It’s amazing to see how each bride makes their dress their own. This past weekend we celebrated the marriages of Wiktoria & Patrick and Leeanne & Anthony …. Both of our brides gorgeously shined and boy did they own their dresses!!!

Leeanne’s wedding style was classic, chic and beautiful. Check out her timeless style below…

Leeanne and Anthony (above and below)
posing for pictures in our foyer prior to cocktail hour!

Where as, Wiktoria’s wedding style was rock-n-roll, fun, and glamorous. Wiktoria told me she was going for the Madonna look and she nailed it! Check out the pictures below …

Wiktoria and Patrick coming up the stairs to our Grand ballroom (above)
Wiktoria (below) striking a pose!

Congratulations to the newlyweds! Leanne and Wiktoria....I love your styles!!

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